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VLOG - Preparing for NaNoRenO 2022


Let's prepare together for NaNoRenO 2022

So, I’m doing NaNoRenO. If for some reason you stumbled across this video…

If for some reason you stumbled across this video AND you also don’t know what NaNoRenO is then allow me to quickly explain it for you.

NaNoRenO is an event in which a creator is challenged to create a visual novel from start to finish in one month. For this event you’re not allowed to start working on any actual components for your game, like the script, or the art assets, or anything at all that you can just drop into the game.

What you are allowed to do is brainstorm, design characters, plot for your story (if you’re a plotter), collect reference images, make contact with other creators, and form teams.

Now, I’m making the probably terrible decision to do as much of this as I can on my own. So my chances of making it through this challenge are… probably not great to tell the truth. I’m also somewhat at a disadvantage as a writer who does not plot, like at all. But I’m going to give it my best try regardless.

I’ve made up a schedule. Now I suspect this is going out the window at some point, because for instance, it’ll probably take me more than five days to write 20,000 words. Just looking realistically. But on the other hand, because I’ve come up with some character designs already I can probably make the sprites fairly quickly. Hopefully.

I have no idea what I’m going to do for the music, haha.

Now, I’ll quickly go over the prep that I’ve done for it. I’ve collected a tonne of reference images to work from, to sort of get the tone for what I’m doing. I’ve designed some of the characters, and I’ve got this strong idea of who the main character is.

I know that I want the story to be about a dark magical girl, in that sort of setting. Which is the main reason why I’ve designed the characters beforehand. Because those designs have to be really intricate and over the top.

Just to let you all know - I’ve never done this before, so I invite you to stumble along through this whole thing with me if you’re also doing NaNoRenO and have no idea what you’re doing. Feel free to reach out in the comments or over twitter and commiserate with me. Chat about what you’re doing. And then we can all be in this thing together.

Ant Langman



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